109: Party Hearty

The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki


SD_MeetUp_1-836x1024All right here it is, the recording of our Walking Dead fan meetup held during Comic Con! I had a blast co-hosting this event with James from The Walker Stalkers (with Eric assisting via Skype and a cameo from Karen). It was great fun talking live with Tyler Chase (Ben), Theodus Crane (Big Tiny), Nick Gomez (Tomas), Daniel Thomas May (Allen), and Travis Love (Shumpert). Most of all, it was super cool that the crowd seemed to have a really good time (as you'll hear), and we hope you enjoy the broadcast too!

PS - Big thanks to Mr. Blahg, Gen Jacobs, Jame's son Jaden, and my friends Eric, Cybil, and Danny for helping out at the event. Saved our bacon!

PPS - I forgot to say "Don't get bit" at the end. But I still don't want you to.

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