119: "Indifference" (S4E4)

The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki


Screen Shot 2013-11-05 at 1.21.09 AMJoin Karen and guest host David as they slough off their charred exteriors to bring you their delightfully charming analysis of this week's episode. Plus the latest news, including Melissa McBride's reaction to recent plot developments, lots of email from you guys, and a little comic talk for good measure.

PS - Thank you all for being such good sports about being reminded every day to vote for us in the Podcast Awards. And thanks for supporting us by actually doing it :) Voted yet today? If not, go to podcastawards.com and do it now. Just takes a minute or two. If we win, I'm hoping it'll make a difference in being able to get interviews more easily.

PPS - Starting your holiday shopping yet? Consider bookmarking walkingdeadcast.com/amazon and using that link whenever you shop at Amazon to send a kickback our way with no extra cost to you. Danke schoen!

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