122: "Dead Weight" (S4E7)
The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki

Another Governer-centric episode, and our opinions were even further apart this week than last! It's no fun if we always agree, right? Join us as we discuss the merits and/or failings of this episode, with extra-large helpings of WD news and feedback from you guys.
Bummed you missed out on Walker Stalker Con this November and thinking of heading out to Atlanta next year? Well tickets are already on sale, and for the next few days (through November), you can get a 25% discount! Just go to walkerstalkercon.com and enter 2014WSCON25 when you buy your tickets.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday are days away and we'd be especially thankful if you'd do all your Amazon shopping using our link at walkingdeadcast.com/amazon. Every little bit helps, and at no extra cost to you. Mahalo nui loa!