123: Chad L. Coleman (Tyreese)
The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki

I've been enjoying Chad Coleman's measured portrayal of Tyreese, this multi-faceted character who with his hammer and his wool cap seemed to have burst straight out of the pages of the comic this season, especially once he became activated by Karen's death. It was a pleasure to speak with Chad as he thoughtfully answered everything we wanted to know. Join me and special guest Brittany as we find out things like:
* What Tyreese would've done if he had found out Carol killed Karen before she left the prison (his answer might surprise you—it did me).
* What it was like to film that crazy scene by the road where Tyreese hammers his way through a massive crowd of zeds.
* How Chad sees the relationship between Tyreese and Rick.
* What was going on in the S3 finale when Tyreese abruptly left the room seeming like he had a purpose.
* How working on TWD compares to his time on the acclaimed HBO show The Wire.
* And much more!
Hope you enjoy the interview as much as we did! For all our listeners in the U.S., happy Thanksgiving!
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