125: Scott Wilson (Hershel)
The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki

It was a genuine privilege for Karen and I to be able to talk with Scott Wilson after his momentous exit from The Walking Dead last week, and he was as sweet and charming as ever. Listen in as he talks about:
* What it was like to film his death scene.
* What Hershel would say to Maggie and Beth if he had the chance.
* What he'll miss most about TWD and whether he'll keep watching.
* What he wants to do next.
* And a lot more (including, yes, a lot of gushing from us).
Enjoy, and we'll be back later this month to talk Breaking Bad!
Thanks to those of you who gave us ideas for interview questions on Facebook (we're at facebook.com/deadcast if you didn't know). We got a few of them in! :)
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