128: geeettttt oooouuuuutttttt...
The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki

First off, THANK YOU ALL for voting in the Podcast Awards and winning us an award for best Entertainment podcast in 2013!!! Woo hoo! We did it!! We were up against some heavy competition (Star Trek, Kevin Smith, and Taylor Swift), and winners in other categories included some of the podcast greats (This American Life, Radio Lab, and Grammar girl, to name a few). So thank you, and congratulations to you guys too, because we're all in this together :)
Join us this episode as we celebrate and talk future plans for the podcast. We also review The Conjuring, the popular, critically lauded spooky ghost flick from this last year, and of course we go over the latest news about The Walking Dead and respond to your feedback.
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