135: "Claimed" (S4E11)

The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki


Screen Shot 2014-02-25 at 1.22.19 AMSpecial guests and mixed opinions this week. Join Karen, Jason, and long lost friend Doug to talk about Claimed, announce the winner of our Walker Stalker Con Chicago Contest, and catch you up on the latest news and feedback from you guys. All that and a meaty Comic Talk segment from Mr. Blahg and Gracie Lou.

Thanks for all the iTunes reviews. We're inching up on 800 reviews! Unbelievable. Thanks guys. I'm throwing down a challenge. Can we get to 800 by next week? If you haven't left us a review yet, you can do so by going to walkingdeadcast.com/itunes. Cheers!

* Marci Brinker's "Gods of Mythology" playing cards — http://collectableplayingcards.com/bicycle-gods-mythology-playing-cards-collectable-playing-cards-p-45830.html
* Background info on the cards — http://www.martianpictures.com/portfolio/mythical-gods-card-deck/
* Fracture — fractureme.com

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