142: "A" (S4E16)

The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki


Screen Shot 2014-04-01 at 3.25.16 AMLike most of you, Karen and I were shocked, disturbed, and thrilled by this episode. Join us for a huge season-ending podcast as we thoroughly go over "A." Also in this ep, we:

  • Interview documentary filmmaker Cris Macht who's making a movie about Walking Dead fans like you and me. Search Kickstarter.com for "Walkers Among Us" to learn more and lend your support.
  • Announce the winner of the First My Family Walking Dead Survival Kit contest (If you didn't win and you want one, you can get a one- or two-person version from firstmyfamily.com).
  • Get the ins and outs of how the comic compares to this ep in Comic Talk with Mr. Blahg and Gracie Lou.
  • And respond to some of your most enthusiastic and interesting feedback yet.

We've had a great season podcasting about The Walking Dead and we've loved all the interaction from you guys (and just that you're listening at all). If you haven't gotten a chance yet and you like what we've been doing, please find us on iTunes at walkingdeadcast.com/itunes and leave us a rating or a review. Thank you!

We thank Fracture for their support this season. Fracture is having a big Spring Sale right now, so go to fractureme.com and enter promo code "SPRING2014" for 30% off your order!

Finally, join us in a few days for an interview with the big man himself, WD showrunner Scott Gimple, and then stick around over the break for biweekly podcasts about zombies, horror, pop culture, and other shenanigans.

Don't get bit! By anyone!

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