147: Top 5 Horror Movies

The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki


CreepshowIn this ep, we break one of the big podcasting commandments, i.e. "Thou shall not ramble." Luckily, we have chapters! So if you don't want to hear us talk about Game of Thrones, Godzilla, Spider-Man, and X-Men for half an hour, skip ahead to hear our thoughts on the George Romero  and Stephen King's classic campy horror anthology flick, Creepshow. Then stick around for the main course, our top five all-time favorite horror movies (along with a handful of yours). Also news, feedback, and stuff that's GREAT!

Also, CONTEST! How would you like to win a set of Telltale Walking Dead games: Season 1, 400 Days, and Season 2? Three of you lucky dogs can do just that. Go to walkingdeadcast.com/contests for details.

And many thanks to Telltale for sponsoring us this week. Go to telltalegames.com to find out about their amazing award-winning Walking Dead games and all their other awesome wares.

We'll be back in a few weeks, possibly with a review of one of the horror movies from our top 5 lists in this episode. Got an opinion on which one you want us to cover? Let us know at facebook.com/deadcast.

 Get The Walking Dead 'Cast for free in iTunes

Deleted scenes from TWD S3:
* Carol and Merle: http://youtu.be/ZnQ4nz_5JSY
* Beth and Carl: http://youtu.be/mUoGAcT9Lm4
* Rick and zombie Lori: http://youtu.be/FLJgi6KAN7Y

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