150: Game of Thrones S4 + Comic-Con News

The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki


game_of_thrones_season_4-wideThe wine flows freely this episode as Karen and I are joined by David, Grace, and Mr. Blahg to review Game of Thrones Season 4. We also cover the latest Walking Dead news (and other geeky news) from Comic-Con, listener feedback, and more.

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* The Walking Dead: No Man's Land (video game): thewalkingdeadnomansland.com
* Inside the Walking Dead (TV special): youtube.com/watch?v=U778nAtR5NY
* Under the Comic Covers (with Grace and Mr. Blahg): utccovers.com

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