153: Graboids!

The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki


220px-TremorsposterWow, this episode was all over the place. Golden Girls, Weezer, giant underground mutant worms. Preschool. Drunk History. A little Walking Dead news for good measure. We had fun with it and hopefully you will too. I consider it a palate cleanser before we dive headfirst into all things Walking Dead next episode with part one of our Season 4 rewatch (recording on Sept 19).

By the way, if you've enjoyed what we've been doing over the hiatus, please take a minute to head over to iTunes and rate and/or review us. You can find our page at walkingdeadcast.com/itunes. Thank you!

Also, we hope you'll join us for a special Walking Dead 'Cast tour of Walking Dead filming sites in Atlanta! It's happening on Thursday, Oct 17, but space is limited and you have to let me know if you want to go by Oct 3. If you're interested, either comment in the post about this on facebook.com/deadcast or email [email protected].

If you'd like to give us a call, you can call us at (650) 485-3323 or email [email protected].

You can download and subscribe to us in iTunes here.

Look for us on Facebook at facebook.com/deadcast and on Twitter at twitter.com/jasonandkaren.

And you can find us on the web at walkingdeadcast.com. And don't forget to click through our Amazon link whenever you shop at Amazon. Thank you!

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