163: "Crossed" (S5E7) + Emily Kinney (Beth)

The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki


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I can't decide if it's more fun when Karen and I agree or disagree about an episode. This week we've got a lot of both as we talk about "Crossed." Also big thanks to Emily Kinney for joining me for an in-depth and longtime coming interview. We talk about her music, her thoughts on art, acting, and using emotion in your art and life, what it's like to smash a jar of lollipops against a man's head, and her thoughts on some of Beth's biggest moments over her time on TWD. All that plus news and some great feedback from you guys.

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Emily-KinneyYou can download and subscribe to us in iTunes at walkingdeadcast.com/itunes.

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Don't get crossed!

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