167: In Space No One Can Hear You Podcast
The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki

Or more accurately, on Skype everyone can barely hear you podcast. Apologies for the audio being a bit below par this week, but I know you'll still enjoy our lengthy, in-depth talk about Ridley Scott's 1979 Sci-Fi/Horror classic, Alien! Joined by special guest, sci-fi enthusiast and Walker Stalker AV wizard Stefan, we cover that movie, the latest news about TWD (including some significant new rumors about the companion series), your feedback, and the return of Stuff That's Great!
Two big announcements this episode:
1. Live Walking Dead 'Cast Podcast
Tickets are now on sale for our live podcast and Bob-B-Q at Fort Mason in San Francisco. It's going to be a blast, with fire dancing, barbecue, and sick & twisted trough trivia with lots of fantastic prizes (seriously), and we want to see as many of you out there as possible! Learn more and get tickets at walkerstalkercon.com/sanfrancisco/bob-b-q. WDC listeners can get a ticket for the incredibly low price of $5 by entering promo code gak.
2. Podcast Awards
Nominations for the 10th annual People's Choice Podcast Awards has begun. Let's all pull together and win it again! First we need your nominations. If you're with us, go to podcastawards.com and nominate us in the People's Choice and Entertainment categories, with URL walkingdeadcast.com. You only need to nominate us once, and if we get enough nominations to compete, we'll let you know when voting starts.
This episode brought to you by Loot Crate, a monthly box of geek and gamer gear. For a 10% discount on your subscription, go to lootcrate.com/deadcast and enter promo code deadcast.
Finally, next time we'll either be talking about Dr. Who or Nightmare on Elm Street. Look for a post on our Facebook page (facebook.com/deadcast) asking you which you prefer.
Don't get face-raped by a mysterious alien!