179: "Conquer" (S5E16)
The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki

A fine episode to cap off what has been my (Jason's) favorite season of the show so far. Join us as we go in-depth on "Conquer."
To celebrate the end of the season, we're launching our podcast network, Podcastica! Check it out at podcastica.com and facebook.com/podcastica.
We're at 975 ratings on iTunes. Amazing! Think we can get to 1,000 by our next ep? If you haven't had a chance to rate or review us yet, you can find us by going to walkingdeadcast.com/itunes and clicking View in iTunes. Then give us a rating and, if you like, a review. We appreciate it! We've had a blast podcasting for you guys this season and we hope you've enjoyed it even half as much as we have :)
We'll see you in a couple of weeks with our Game of Microphones episode covering GoT S5E1, and then soon after with our WD S5 wrap-up crossover with Chris and Jason from the Talking Dead podcast!
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Don't get on Rick or Carol's bad side!