180: Throners Unite!
The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki

Have you gotten into Game of Thrones yet? If you do we think you'll be glad you did. In the first few minutes of this episode we make a case for why we think you'd love this show, and how you can see it even if you don't have HBO or cable. Then we cross-post our review of GoT S5E1 from our new Game of Microphones podcast. All that plus some news and listener feedback about The Walking Dead.
Game of Microphones is a lot of what you like about Walking Dead 'Cast, with a few twists (known as Mr. Blahg, Grace, and David).
You can find and subscribe to Game of Microphones on iTunes at: gameofmicrophones.com/itunes.
Or if you're one of those anti-Apple types, you can download it right from gameofmicrophones.com.
Valar morghulis!
PS Join us in a couple weeks for our annual season wrap-up crossover with Chris and Jason from the Talking Dead podcast!