190: "So Close, Yet So Far" (FTWD:S1E2)

The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki


fear_the_walking_deadWow, this show is definitely pushing our zombie buttons this week. Join Jason, Melissa, and Duncan for an in-depth talk about it. Plus news, and some fantastic feedback from you guys.

If you'd like to leave us a message, you can reach us at (650) 485-DEAD (3323) or click the Send Voicemail button at walkingdeadcast.com.

We're on Facebook at facebook.com/deadcast and on Twitter @jasonandkaren.

And please check out all the other first-class podcasts in our network at podcastica.com.

Support African artists for a chance to win tickets for two to see the TWD S6 premiere with Danai Gurira: crowdrise.com/walkingdead


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