195: "First Time Again" (S6E1)

The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki


the-walking-dead-episode-601-walkers-3-935Are you as stoked as we are that TWD-proper has returned?! Karen and I had so much fun podcasting about this one, even though (especially because?) we didn't agree on a lot of things about the episode. Enjoy our foolishness :) 

And by the way, thanks for all your input and feedback. So much fun to read all your thoughts, insights, and cute jokes about the episode each week.

Something else I'm really excited about: We're teaming with Fracture to do a Best Zombie Makeup contest! You can find out about it and enter by going to bestzombiemakeup.com. Submit a photo of you in your best zombie getup to win a Fracture of any photo of your choice.

This episode brought to you by:

  • Fracture: Your photos, in vivid color, printed directly on glass. First-time customers get a 15% discount by going to fractureme.com and entering promo code DEADCAST at checkout.
  • Harry's, for quality craftsmanship, simple design, modern convenience and most importantly for guys who know they shouldn't have to overpay for a great shave. For $5 off your first purchase, go to harrys.com and enter promo code DEADCAST at checkout.

Next week: Zombies! And stuff.

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