200: "Always Accountable" (S6E6)

The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki



Never dreamed we make it to 200 episodes, but it shows how much we love doing this podcast. Thank all you all for being a part of it! This week we hold TWD accountable in our harshest review ever. Good thing we have fun podcasting even when we don't love the episode.

Also, check out the winners in our zombie makeup contest we did with Fracture at bestzombiemakeup.com. Congratulations to Victor Godoy, Victor Vasquez, Linda von Hanneken, Bill Baird, Holly La Rouche, and Bailey Darlene Faries!

This episode brought to you by:

  • Harry's, for quality craftsmanship, simple design, modern convenience and most importantly for guys who know they shouldn't have to overpay for a great shave. For $5 off your first purchase, go to harrys.com and enter promo code DEADCAST at checkout.

Next week: Glenn lives! Right?! -Love, Karen

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