208: "The Next World" (S6E10)
The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki

If you thought this week's episode was a funny and delightful change of pace, you might just be on the same wavelength as Karen and special guest David. That, plus a good long Comic Talk section with Grace and Mr. Blahg, news, feedback, and more.
- Chase scene with Benny Hill music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUkYepOl0Jg
This episode brought to you by:
- Double Take: Comics set in the world established by the 1968 cult classic Night of the Living Dead. You can read all ten 1st and 2nd issues for FREE at doubletakeuniverse.com.
- Club W: Club W is a revolutionary new wine club that sends you wine, selected specifically for your taste, directly to your door. Go to clubw.com/deadcast for 50% off your first order!
- Fracture: Your photos, in vivid color, printed directly on glass. First-time customers get a 10% discount by going to fractureme.com and entering promo code ZEDHEAD at checkout.
Next time: Stuff and thangs.