62: Season Two Wrap-Up Crossover Pt 2
The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki

Awesome episode this week, if we do say so ourselves, as we’re joined by special guests Chris and Jason from The Talking Dead podcast to give you our top ten highlights of season two. You can find the first half of our countdown over at talkingdeadpodcast.com, and the final five right here in this episode.
And as an extra-special bonus, I had a fun and illuminating talk with Sean Vanaman, Jake Rodkin, and Harrison Pink, the lead developers of Telltale’s upcoming video game, The Walking Dead. The guys give us the scoop on which characters from the series will appear in the game, when it’ll be released, what the gameplay is like, and more. Telltale makes immersive, story- and character-based games and so we think they’re the perfect studio to do The Walking Dead justice.
As always if you'd like to leave us a message you can call us at (650) 485-DEAD or email us at [email protected].