624: Silo (S2E7-10)
The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki

Silo fans! Amelie, Veronica, and Jason are back with our thoughts on the second half of what we thought was an engaging season. For our earlier coverage, check out:Silo S1E1-6: https://podcastica.com/podcast/the-cast-of-us/episode/525-silo-s1e1-6Silo S1E7-10: https://podcastica.com/podcast/the-cast-of-us/episode/529-silo-s1e7-10Silo S2E1-6: https://podcastica.com/podcast/house-podcastica/episode/silo-s2e1-6Next up: TWD S4E7 “Dead Weight”. Let us know your thoughts!You can email or send a voice message to [email protected]. Or check out our Facebook group, where we put up comment posts for each episode, at facebook.com/groups/podcastica.Check out all our other shows at podcastica.com. Show support and get ad-free episodes and a bunch of other cool stuff: patreon.com/jasoncabassi • Or go to buymeacoffee.com/cabassi for a one-time donation.Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy