87: Charlie Adlard, Plus Silliness
The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki

Always enjoyable to speak with Walking Dead illustrator Charlie Adlard. After some pleasant chit chat about Charlie's awesome prog rock band the Cosmic Rays and a sample of their work, we get into the nitty gritty. Find out what it's been like for Charlie to see his drawings come to life on the screen, his perspective on certain horrible, devastating wounds inflicted on characters who shall remain unnamed in this summary (don't worry, we warn you in the 'cast before the spoilers come), his working relationship with Kirkman, and how things have changed (or not) since the TV show.
Plus, the top five ways to keep from thinking of TWD over the hiatus, a chat with the Zombie Squad (they make dead things deader), the latest news, and all your moans, groans, and gaks.
To vote on which movie we'll be covering next time (Night of the Living Dead (1990 Tom Savini remake) or Return of the Living Dead) go to facebook.com/deadcast and vote!
As always, if you'd like to give us a call, you can call us at (650) 485-DEAD, or you can email us at [email protected].