96: "Clear" (S3E12)

The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Podcast autorstwa Podcastica - Poniedziałki


TWD_GP_312_0912_0266Why be coy? We loved this episode as much as you all did! One of the best of the series. Listen as we break it down. Note: Unfortunately, the audio in this episode was also somewhat broken down up until about the 43 minute mark. We apologize for the subpar quality and promise to return to our usual crystal clear sound next week!

Also in this episode, we finally announce the winner of our zombie sound contest. Many thanks to Danny Miller at 20eyesco.com for donating the prize, a set of beautifully rendered posters of Zombie Shane, Zombie Sophia, and Bicycle Girl.

And we have a sponsor for the episode! You can help us out and get a great deal in the process by going to audiblepodcast.com/deadcast for a free trial and a free audiobook.

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