Bonus Q&A: New Perspective on Paul, How was Eve Deceived?, Voting, LGBTQ+ Child Dedication and more!
Theology in the Raw - Podcast autorstwa Theology in the Raw

Welcome to a sneak peek of the Bonus Q&A episode, part of the Theology in the Raw premium subscription. In the full episode, we discuss: 0:00 Introduction 0:11 Can you give a short explanation of the discussion surrounding the new perspective on Paul that is understandable to the layperson? 14:05 What would you say to someone saying that the Holy Spirit can guide us to violence? 17:44 Does Matthew 5:41 teach we shouldn't resist evildoers at all? 19:02. Was Eve deceived because of the order of creation or because she was not instructed by God? 26:05 Another Exiles in Babylon conference in Denver? 26:50 Ephesians 4:5--is one baptism referring to water baptism or the baptism of the Holy Spirit? 27:39 Frank Turek and Paul Copan recently discussed a just war and Hamas--would you have them on your podcast? Does just war apply? 34:54 How do we take our Christian beliefs into account when voting? Is there a way to think about how to vote? 36:55 Is there one thing you wish your detractors knew about what you teach and believe? 40:00 How would you steel-man an encounter with a Christian who believes in the flat-earth theory? 42:47 How would you respond to a married lesbian couple asking to dedicate their child in the service? 44:06 How would you steal-man and LGTBQ+ affirming theology?? 50:15 Is Genesis 2:7 analogous to I Timothy 3:16--"God breathed?" 53:02. Have there been any modern attempts at the creeds? Is the closest thing a denominational statement of faith? 54:22. What are your thoughts on Julie Rodgers' book "Outlove?" 55:57. Do you have a specific framework you use when exploring new topics? I'm interested in studying how the Bible addresses health. Support Theology in the Raw through Patreon: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit