Sexuality, Church, Celibate Partnerships, My Response to Chris Yuan and Rosaria Butterfield, and How I Handle Criticism: Laurie Krieg
Theology in the Raw - Podcast autorstwa Theology in the Raw

Laurie Krieg is the president of Impossible Ministries, a coaching/consulting, teaching, and podcasting ministry with the mission to equip Jesus-followers with a gospel-centered approach to marriage and sexuality. Laurie serves on the Board of Directors for The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender, and is earning a master’s degree from Wheaton Graduate School in Evangelism and Leadership. Laurie and her husband Matt wrote a book called An Impossible Marriage: What Our Mixed-Orientation Marriage Has Taught Us about Love and the Gospel (IVP 2020). They also co-host The Hole in My Heart Podcast, and live in Western Michigan with their three kids. In this conversation, we talk about the legitimacy of celibate partnerships (or committed friendships) and then Laurie digs into my life and asks about how I handle criticism and offers some thoughts about my responses to Christopher Yuan and Rosaria Butterfield and what legitimate concerns they have. Get 10% off your first order of Mitopure by Timeline! USE CODE: Theology Support Theology in the Raw through Patreon: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit