Picard Countdown Comic Issue 3 Review

TV Podcast Industries - Podcast autorstwa Chris Jones, Derek O'Neill and John Harrison. TV Podcast Industries


We're back with a special bonus episode about Star Trek Picard Countdown Issue 3. This final issue of the prequel comic was released on the 29th of January and introduces us to some of the characters from Star Trek Picard including Rafi Musiker and Romulan agents Zhaban and Laris.

Star Trek Picard Countdown 3 of 3

We discussed the first two parts of Star Trek Picard Countdown on our Preview podcast

Picard Countdown Issue 3 Details

Published By: IDW Comics

Written By: Kristen Bayer & Mike Johnson

Art by: Angel Hernandez

Colours by: Joana Lafuente

Letters by: Neil Uyetake

Edits by: Chase Marotz

The Story So Far:

After discovering an impending supernova threatening the Romulan Empire, the Federation launches an evacuation mission of unparalleled scale to evacuate every threatened planet in Romulan space.

Admiral Jean-Luc Picard travels to a Romulan colony to evacuate the 10,000 inhabitants living there, only to discover five million native beings that the Romulans intend to leave behind to die. Picard is imprisoned by the Governor before he can alert the Federation to this new development, but manages to launch a daring escape with the help of two Romulan defectors, Laris and Zhaban.

Meanwhile the Governor of the colony contacts Picard's ship, the USS Verity, and convinces them to let her aboard, where she manages to seize control of the ship...

Leaving Feedback for Star Trek Picard

Leave us a voicemail here, join our Facebook group and leave your thoughts on the spoiler posts there https://facebook.com/groups/tvpodcastindustries or let us know what you think by emailing us at [email protected]. The cut off for feedback is 12pm GMT each Tuesday. We'll discuss feedback podcast out each week before the next episode.

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Thanks so much for joining us for our Star Trek Picard Countdown Issue 3 Podcast. We really do hope you enjoyed our chat. If you did please subscribe to TV Podcast Industries on any of the links from this page and why not share the podcast with other people. You can also support us by going to https://patreon.com/tvpodcastindustries and donating to the running of the podcast. As always thank you so much for all the support.

We'll be back with Star Trek episode 3, "The End is The Beginning" after it airs on the 6th of February.

Derek and John

TV Podcast Industries

Date Recorded: 31/01/2020Date Published: 01/02/2020MP3, 31.25 min. 96kbps, 21.8 MB