Watchmen Feedback Episode 5 by TV Podcast Industries

TV Podcast Industries - Podcast autorstwa Chris Jones, Derek O'Neill and John Harrison. TV Podcast Industries


Derek and Chris are here to discuss your thoughts about "Little Fear Of Lightning" in our Watchmen Feedback Episode Five Podcast.

Looking Glass gets the real truth behind the events of 11/2
All of our episodes are available on Spotify

What's in this feedback episode?

Along with your emails, voicemails and Facebook feedback and a correction about the whereabouts of Adrian Viedt and we discuss a very interesting article from Damon Lindeloff where he confirms that a year passes between each of Ozymandias's scenes. You can read the article here (

We also discuss this weeks documents up on the Peteypedia site this week. Lots more background from an angry Agent Dale Petey about the true history of The Minutemen. There is also a health warning from Trieu Pharmaceuticals about the drug "Nostalgia" which Angela swallowed a whole bottle of in Episode five. Finally there's a pamphlet from giving some tips on dealing with extra dimensional anxiety from the Veidt Institute for Extra-Dimensional Studies. You can read along with them on

Check out HBO for more details on each episode after the episode airs.

Watchmen Pub Quiz continues

Chris has a go at asking John's latest Watchmen Pub Quiz question. We ask one question on each of our Feedback podcasts. Send in your answer to each of the questions to [email protected]

The person who answers the most questions correctly throughout the feedback series will win a Watchmen related prize on the final feedback podcast after Episode 9.

Watchmen Pub Quiz Question 5:

What vegetable helped Looking Glass track down the 7th Kavalry in the HBO Watchmen series?

Leaving Feedback for The Watchmen Podcast

Our separate feedback podcast is recorded usually on Wednesdays so make sure you send in your thoughts about the show or the podcast by Wednesday 11:58 am GMT. Leave us a voicemail here, join our Facebook group and leave your thoughts on the spoiler posts there or let us know what you think by emailing us at [email protected]

Follow us and Subscribe to the Podcast

Thanks so much for joining us for our Watchmen Feedback Episode Five podcast. We really do hope you enjoyed our chat. If you did, please subscribe to TV Podcast Industries on any of the links from this page and why not share the podcast with other people. You can also support us by going to and donating to the runnin...