Everybody Gets A Chance To Break The Church: Inferno, Canto XIX, Lines 13 - 30

Walking With Dante - Podcast autorstwa Mark Scarbrough

We've come to one of the most difficult cruxes in all of INFERNO: a passage that's loaded with Christian symbolism but that also includes a bit of biographical detail on Dante, the historical figure.That biographical detail remains the subject of much curiosity! Join me, Mark Scarbrough, as we explore this difficult but ultimately rewarding passage: a condemnation of churchly corruption and a revelation of Dante's personal life, all bound up in the eighth circle of hell with the sins of fraud until the whole thing becomes a tour de force of meta-reality.Here are the segments for this episode:[01:00] My English translation of this passage. If you'd like to read along, you can find it under the header for this podcast on my website, markscarbrough.com.[03:38] What's up with the "livid stones"? For one thing, Jesus. He founded his church on the rock of Peter's faith: "Upon this rock will I build my church." But these rocks aren't as firm, to say the least.[05:47] A curious bit of Dante's biography, inserted into this passage. What's going on here? Let's look back at the commentary's answer and also explore a relatively new interpretation of this strange passage.[11:38] Is the guy Dante saves drowning or suffocating? It all comes down to translation problems in this passage which only muddy it further.[15:30] Why is this biographical detail here?[17:21] What exactly is the poet's "seal"?[21:07] The emotional center of this curious passage: "my beautiful San Giovanni."[22:58] The feet and thighs of these sinners are visible, but not their buttocks. That may be an important detail.[25:38] A fusion of Christian images: Pentecost and the anointing with oil that happens at ordination.[28:08] Inversion is a crucial motif for Inferno, Canto XIX as a whole.

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