Growing Abolition with Mariame Kaba
WGRL NYC - Podcast autorstwa The Lower Eastside Girls Club

Mariame Kaba is an abolitionist thinker, writer, curator, and organizer based in New York City. Her clarity, passion and love for liberation work resonated deeply with us. We are grateful for this generous conversation in which we take on everything from a discussion of the children’s book “Noodlephant” to the constant “Law & Order” marathon on TV! This conversation is part of a collaboration with our mentor, artist and instigator jackie sumell and MoMA PS1 which resulted in an exhibition at PS1 entitled “Freedom to Grow“. In the Summer of 2021 the Growing Abolition class produced a series of four podcasts delving into Abolitionist Worldview as part of the course work. In the wider project we explored: What can plants teach us about prison abolition, healing, and expanding our horizons of possibility? What would a world look like in which we all have what we need, with networks of safety and support created by and for our communities? How can we put abolition into daily practice, as a process of creating and nurturing alternatives to the structures that harm us?