1148: 2 World Views - Richard Dawkins vs. Willie Nelson

Wisdom of the Sages - Podcast autorstwa Raghunath Cappo & Kaustubha Das

“We create our own unhappiness. The purpose of suffering is to help us understand we are the ones who cause it.” Willie Nelson / Woah! There’s a purpose to suffering!?! / 2 world views – the world has no design or purpose or the everything in the world is designed with purpose / we can simultaneously hold 2 ideas - that we must be compassionate to all who suffer and that we cause our own suffering / the best way to deal with our own pain is to take responsibility / the bank robbery analogy / the evidence is everywhere - the question is how you interpret it / a formula for seeing God behind everything /  WOTS - a simple fun way to Vedic epistemology / we can’t remove every thorn in the world, but we can put on some shoes SB 6.24.46

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