475: Train the Mind to See the Soul, Not the Externals

Wisdom of the Sages - Podcast autorstwa Raghunath Cappo & Kaustubha Das

Isabel’s 1st kirtan / 1st we appreciate the devotees, then we see the faults, then the faults become insignificant / verses from Bilvamangala / drop the quick fixes and turn to Bhagavatam / our lulls in bhakti aren’t bhakti’s fault / a little Gita everyday will change your life / the Earth is our mother / we’ve got no respect / a little ritual to cultivate the right consciousness / hearing with the right attitude pleases God in the heart / Krishna gets personally involved with anyone trying to surrender / 4 paths to realize God in the heart / train the mind to see the soul, not the externals SB 3.13.40-50

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