581: Aligning the Mind & Heart

Wisdom of the Sages - Podcast autorstwa Raghunath Cappo & Kaustubha Das

aligning the mind & heart - wisdom from White Buffalo Calf Woman / the Power Of The Universe (Paramatma) will come to your assistance / the hurt of one is the hurt of all & the honor of one is the honor of all / we’re shooting arrows into our circle of concern with no effect / work on your circle of influence and it will expand to your circle of concern / sva-dharma-ācaraṇam — executing one’s prescribed duties / santoṣaḥ — contentment / ātmavic-caraṇārcanam - worship the lotus feet of a knower of the soul / namaste = not me, you / grāmya-dharma-nivṛttiś - letting go of conventional religion / mita-medhyādanaṁ - eating frugally / vivikta-kṣema-sevanam - dwelling in a secluded place SB 3.28.1-3

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